I like to brew wine; It's only a hobby but I'm obsessed!
This is the place to be if you want to see what another brewer is up to or want some encouragement to start or diversify. I've posted heaps of recipes (clicky) and 2 wine-making vids (here for wine made from cartons of juice blog / youtube, and here for Blackberry wine on the pulp blog / youtube).
If you're new here then do explore, take this link for tips about where to find what you're interested in.

Finding Your Way Around

You're probably here cos you are looking for something, or are new and can't see the wood for the DJ's for the bottles! So I'll help you navigate my blog a bit.

Of course, it's a blog so if you're happy to wander about chronologically then cool. But if you want to find something in particular then look just right of here. Under the Title "Pages" you'll see a load of links. Clicking on "My Brew List (With Recipes)" is a great place to start. You'll find a list of the wines I have done, and most have links to recipes and methods. You'll need to scroll down the page a bit to get past the first years brews before you get the links. But many of the first years brew have been repeated (and improved) so you'll get the recipes etc further down.
The other links are kind of obvious, they are mostly aimed at beginners, tho one or two are fun or short ramblings.

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