
Friday 4 June 2010

Looking Ahead

aarrrrggghhhhh .... so much to do, and then last night the screen on my laptop gave up and died. took a day to organise and back-up and botch a solution to keep me in action. Now I'm on the look-out for a mac genius (to cannibalise two identical laptops to make one good one ... basically swap the screens), or a cheap monitor, or failing that a new puter! so I lost a much needed day

Anyway, on topic now .... we are all out of pomegranate and pineapple quickie wines, so I have to bottle a gallon of each. Likewise tanglefoot, and also green tea and ginger. That'll free up 4 DJ's, which is excellent because then I'll have 7 empties which means I can get at least that many gallons of elderflower wine on the go! I should also bottle 2 gallons of blackberry wine (one from wild berries and one from the trained bramble in the garden), so that means more elderflower potential. All of which is great news cos the flowers are here! so I only need the sunny days to gather them! But it's all quite a bit of work and I only have about 30 empty bottles, and I need to get a base fermenting for a late addition of elderflowers brew (so I'd better buy some grape juice soon!)

AND I also really ought to rack two 2 gallon batches of oaked rose, and a single gallon of a red kit.

AND then there are quite a few wines that I haven't tried yet that probably ready to have the first gallon bottled: Rose petal, Blackberry & Elderberry, Blackberry & Elderberry Rosé

AND I have 2 kits ready to start!

AND the garden needs some attention, weeding, mowing, watering, netting (cherries), training (brambles) and perhaps even some cropping (mainly garlic and chives).

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