
Friday 18 June 2010

Recipe; Not Content with One Batch ....

We picked 5 litres of flowers all together, which was way more than enough for 5 gallons of quickie Elderflower wine. So I got a repeat brew of last year's wine on the go, 3 gallons for this one.

Recipe (3 gallons)

6 Litres of White Grape Juice
3 Litres of Elderflowers
Around 3 Kg Sugar
9 Tsp of my acid mix (1 part Citric Acid: 2 Tartaric: 3 Malic)
1.5 Tsp Wine Tannin
2 Campden Tablets (crushed)
Water to 3 Gallons
Sauternes Yeast


Put the flowers into muslin bags and tie them up. Add to fermenting bin. Pour on the grape juice, crush the campden tablets and add them to the must. Give it all a stir, put a lid on and forget about it til the next day by which time the campden will have knocked out the wild yeast. This is as far as I have got, tomorrow all the action happens.

Then add all the other ingredients. Aim for an OG around 1080-1090. After a few days remove the flowers, transfer to secondary and then follow all the usual procedures of racking, degassing, fining (if needed), stabilising etc as and when needed. Ready to drink after a few months.

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