
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Recipe; Apple & Grape Juice Quickie

So yesterday I wrote about collecting apples and the process of getting juice from them. Today you get the recipes. First the quickie wine recipe. You can find more quickie wine recipes in the brew list section, they'll be marked as quickie or (Q).

Recipe: 5 gallons

  • 1 Gallon of freshly pressed Apple Juice  (OG 1050)
  • 5 Litres Red Grape Juice (Sungrown, pressed)
  • 3.4 Kg Sugar
  • 3 Teaspoons Tartaric Acid
  • 2 Teaspoons Citric Acid
  • 2 Teaspoons Pectolase
  • 2 Teaspoons Yeast Nutrient
  • Gervin D Yeast.
  • Water to 5 gallons.

OG 1076


See yesterdays post for everything up to and including obtaining the apple juice.

Put the apple juice and grape juice in a fermenting bin and add the campden tablets and pectolase. Cover and leave overnight. Next day add all your other ingredients, dissolving all solids in water before doing so. Then stir sloshily for a while to get more air into the mix. Then add the yeast. Cover tightly and leave overnight. Stir sloshily once or twice a day for the next few days. Then transfer to DemiJohns with airlocks (secondary fermentation). When it stops fermenting rack off the sediment, degas, add campden and sorbate. Leave to clear. You should be drinking  it in a few weeks.


First of all you're probably wondering why red grape juice? no magic here, simply because it was cheaper than the white and i needed 5 litres. The final wine will be very pale pink, or a golden colour.

If you checked out the previous page then you may be wondering why i bothered. all that effort save a few pennies? Well i confess, i did it for the love of it, for the love of doing something with a small crowd, for the love of seeing what would have been wasted fruit turned into wine. For the fun of it and generating more community spirit through fun.

Gervin D is an acid reducing, fast starting yeast, good for wines that will be drunk young. The acid reducing quality is the main reason i choose it tho. Apples have plenty of malic acid, which will make your wine taste harsh if there is too much of it. Gervin D metabolises some of that acid.

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