
Thursday 22 March 2012


Sometimes I forget to write a bit about the basics that go on, or updates. I do quite well with writing about starting new brews tho. Tonight I bottled some wine, and enjoyed it, and at daft o'clock I'm still awake. It's been a busy day, and there's more to do but I'm tired now. So I'll just blog instead.

All the brewing activity started because I'll soon be away for a little while doing a workshop. So I checked what needed brewing attention. 5 gallons of the Cranberry & Blueberry wine need racking into DJ's. But there are not 5 empty DJ's. So that means I have to bottle wine. After some 30 minutes of poking around the assorted 30 full vessels, and consulting my better half, the decision was made. I was going to bottle a gallon of Rose Petal, a gallon of Green Tea & Ginger and a gallon of Ginger & Lemongrass.

And so I did, and for each gallon I bottled I got to drink a glass. So it's a good night. The wines are all excellent. Sometimes this is a problem, if they are all good then you want to make them all again. If this keeps on happening then you have a lot of variety to work into your routine. And if you want to keep on experimenting then you just have to brew more. You see how this can quickly become an obsessive and crazy kind of thing!

There's something else I'm enjoying about the flavours from the evening, and memories of food it's gone with. The Green Tea & Ginger goes so well with a curry, the Ginger & Lemongrass goes a treat with something like Thai Green Curry. So I wonder if a Rose Petal wine goes well with Turkish and middle eastern food?

None of these wines take an age to become good drinking. At most a year and in the case of the Ginger & Lemongrass only about 6-8 weeks. So what are you waiting for? Me ... I still have more brewing stuff to do tomorrow .... racking, degassing and stabilising.

Enough of my ramblings. Cheers.

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