
Sunday 16 June 2013

Well, where has the time gone?

Grief, I very much hope that you're all still out there. I've been neglecting my blog. The lengthy travels was one thing but getting back into a routine has been quite another. Infact the old routine has gone and I've been carving out a new one. I won't say anything about that because I want this blog to remain focused on brewing wine only ... and brewing wine is definitely still a significant part of my life.

I'm going to do some posts right away. One regarding home brewing adventures in Australia, and the others about this year's brews. I've been bad and only got active in the last week, but I'm keen to make up for lost time cos that 50 gallon a year target is important to me if I want to carry on being generous with my concoctions.

Talking brewing ... this is Little Creatures in Fremantle (Western Australia). It's a well established "pub" that brews it's own beers, yup beer as in ale not lager. So all those shiny vats are full of beer. Just before we arrived the business sold for - I believe - (Aus) $350 million.
Little Creatures wasn't the only Fremantle pub selling beers made on the premises, or locally. It seems that Australians are getting into the malty hoppy stuff.

Of course, since getting home I've been busy bottling and drinking wine ... well you have to empty those demi-johns otherwise there's no room for new stuff!

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