
Thursday 23 January 2014

It's 2014, what's in store this year?

Time flies, like a banana, so a funny someone said.

I'm looking forward to this year's brews. Partly because i failed in my mission to make 50 gallons last year, but i succeeded in making a number of new wines. Well, they were new for me anyway.

The two most recent recipes were done in December, it's just taken me a while to write them up. Life is getting busier and busier! I had planned on getting about 6 gallons of blackberry wine on the go too, but it just didn't happen. So sometime soon I'll be starting those brews. Nice way to start the year with a pulp wine or two. And we'll get half our freezer space back again, which will please Mrs Critter Wines no end!

We're also in parsnip season, and i just bottled the last gallon of the tanglefoot i made back in 2010. It is utterly delicious now, very grown up taste tho. Herby, grassy and a little earthy. arrggh that means a long wait for the next batch. I must keep my eye on the ball so i don't leave it so long next time.

Feel free to let me know how your brews go, if you followed the recipes strictly (recommended for quickie wines, tho you can use your choice of the 2nd juice, keep the grape juice tho). And likewise if you tweak the recipes for other wines, which i also recommend. It's good to experiment (and keep notes!), personalise your wines, our tastes will be different after-all.

Finally, clicking the donate button (on the right) will make me happy. But only if you can afford it and my blog has been useful. Think of it like this, if i chatted my blog to you in a pub would you buy me an appreciative pint? A virtual pint is almost as good.

All the best in the year ahead for making delicious country wine.


  1. Sory to be picky, but there is no such thing as home-brewed wine. Wine is not a brewed product. Ale and lager are brewed. Coffee and tea are brewed. Wine, like cider and perry (which are to all intents and purposes wines anyway) are not brewed. They are fermented without recourse to brewing. If you're going to run a blog about wine production, please use the correct terminology.

  2. Hey David. No need to apologise. ,my purpose is all about bringing reality back in brewing and also about chucking snobbery into the fire. so anything that helps with those aims is most welcome.

    First of all my blog is very anti snobbery regarding brewing. uh oh, may choice of words is already setting off alarm bells eh!

    Fact is that is you spent any time at all looking at my bog then you would have found recipes that involved brewing. and you should get you dictionary out for that given that you are obviously a stickler for definitions.

    When i make Green Tea and Ginger wine then i am most certainly brewing green tea as part of the process.

    And this not the only wine that i make which includes a process that is absolutely "brewing".

    When i make elderflower wine i am definitely "infusing", you might want to look that up in your dictionary and compare it to brewing. and if your dictionary is a "pocket" version the get a bigger one.

    If you've look around my blog then you'll see lots of brewing and also lots of brewing, and how the two are often bedfellows.

    So if you are going to challenge a blog on it's terminology then you may what check if the blog writer is an idiot or has actually heard your self-same criticisms a gazzilion times previously.

    So don't apologise for your picky-ness. instead humble yourself to reality. join me in sharing the joy about making your own delicious wines. Wanna get into appellation controlee? regardless of accent and spelling representions?

    To summarise then, i could call my blog "" or i could call it "hey you smart alec that i dodged by making a blog rather than contributing to a forum etc". But ultimately i want to achieve something down to earth. i.e. show folk how easy it is to make their own delicious alcoholic beverages through the processes of brewing and fermenting. and how much these resemble wines (utterly remarkably and it surely must be nothing more than coincidence).

    and i guess a better summary is this ...

    i am brewing. check your own definitions.
    i do know my own terminology ... so check your own arrogant and misinformed bored backside.
    I write a blog as a volunteer, not an obligation. What are you doing?

  3. Good critter. Remember, it is your train set. Just found your blog and am enjoying your presentation style. Cheers

    1. Thanks Craig, I'm glad you like it. I've been slack at updating it regularly tho. Good job i was once much more disciplined so there's a decent amount of content!

      Funny looking back at this comment thread, i think i may have had a glass or two or wine when i replied ... more than my usual number of typos hahaha!
