
Wednesday 6 July 2011

Elderflower Dreaming

I can't believe its almost 3 weeks since i posted here! So what's new in the world of Critter wines? I'm afraid not much is because i've been too busy to brew. I did however take part in an event that i promised i would give homebrew tasters at. And it went down well. Tho i must admit to being over confident with one bottle. remember the mint wine, the one that was delicious but didn't taste of mint. So i added sprigs of mint to it. Well i took a bottle along and it was too soon. It tasted green, leafy, earthy (sometimes earthy works but not in this case). It was simply too soon. Luckily i had plenty of elderflower with me and that went down a storm. also some blackberry which went down just as well but was in short supply.

So elderflower dreaming ... it has happened, this years elderflower quick (batch 1) has arrived. and its a delight. I'm loving the thought of 5 gallons of it, so the gallon that's almost gone is the tip of the iceberg. and batch 2 will soon be ready, also 5 gallons. After the event i mentioned above myself and one of the other participants (hi Jay!) talked. Well that's an understatement. We got home around midnight and then sat up til the birds were in full song. We finished the mint wine, then the single unfinished elderflower bottle, then we opened another. I was delighted that he enjoyed it so much, a real pleasure to keep answering his question "can i have another glass" with repeated "please don't ask just tuck in, there is plenty more". So what can i tell you, we solved some of the worlds problems, discussed our differences of opinion, agreed to differ on some things ... all in all a great night of conversation and being human. Most importantly being human with acceptance of differences of opinion and no hard feelings over that.

Well i say most importantly, but of course that's not the truth! reality is as you all know it, if you have made this Elderflower wine then you'll know the most important thing was the wine. Without it all the wonders of the world would have remained a mystery. What can i say, it's a homebrew blog, no apologies.

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